Satan is the Thief

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy

Don’t call my God a thief or one who does things that are not right.  I think I have the grace to handle it, but I hope no one gets in my face anytime soon and tells me that sickness is a wonderful blessing from God.  You ought to live with it for a while before you call hand to hand combat with what comes from the very pit of the enemy a gift. 

We must have the foundational understanding that life, health, blessing, forgiveness and salvation are gifts of God.  Someone might imply to you that an automobile accident or incurable disease is a disguised blessing from God. Before you go down that road put yourself there and see how it feels when you can’t sleep or do anything that you did at one time and tell me that sickness is a blessing. 

Having preached this all of my life and ministry, today I am more solid in my belief than I have ever have been.  I do not accept the works of the devil as being the works of God.  You say, “But God brought good out of it.”  Sure, God can bring good out of anything but I have news for you, God was not the originator and God didn’t send it. It would go against the very nature of a loving Father to bring harm to his children. Our God is not a child abuser. 

I have spent countless hours with oppressed people, depressed people, abused men and women, people who have lived their entire lives with someone’s finger in their face saying you can’t do it, you are no good, you don’t measure up. Until one day, like a hunting dog that has lost what it takes to hunt, they loose hold of who they are in Christ and the truth that they are loved by a good God. I thank God for the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I thank God for the understanding that there are two forces at work in my life. Satan who comes to steal, kill and destroy. And God, whose very nature is to bless his children. Father God, who is the giver of all good things, the God who loves you and me.