Ye must be Born Again!

John 3:6-7 (KJV) That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

Jesus said it best, “Ye must be born again”. This is the cornerstone of our faith and the hope of a new beginning to this lost generation. I would not attend, nor put my tithe in a church that would not tell people how to be born again and then give them the opportunity to come forward and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. 

I have had people tell me, “Well Brother Nichols, at our church once a month we have a social gathering and then we kind of spring it on them.”  What these people don’t understand is that you don’t have to bootleg salvation or put Jesus in the back room. You don’t have to have a little social gathering and trick people into possibly getting saved.  You can just put it out there in front of God and everybody else and allow them to receive the precious gift of salvation.  I thank God for the altar calls we see in every service and I prophesy in the name of Jesus that the strongest altar calls and the greatest harvest of souls are yet to come. 

I thank God for every drug program and any incentive to keep people from doing those things that should not be done.  But there is only one thing that can break the habit of cocaine, marijuana and alcohol. It is the power of rebirth and the transformation that takes place as the Sprit of God dwells within us. Folks, the devil is after you, me, every child, and every grandchild. He is after our families. But thank God for churches like Calvary Cathedral International that will make sure that every person who comes into any of our meetings will hear the clarion call of the Gospel as spoken by Jesus himself, “Ye must be born again.”!