
(Below is an excerpt from Pastor’s book, “How to Find Life in Dead Situations”)

I have talked to many who desperately needed to change, but it just did not seem possible.  I have walked through so much with people who seemed unresponsive to God’s Word.  I just say, “Lord, I do not know what to think.  They are yours.”  Then someone else comes up and gets right in my face and looks at me and kindly says, “Thank you, I see the light.  You will never know what deposits you made in my life.”  That person has broken through to resurrection in their life.  All things are possible if we only believe.  John 11:25 says, “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life:  he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:” My paraphrase of that is: though your situation seems dead, if you believe, there will be a resurrection.  If you want to strengthen your faith remember that God is able.  That is the message that God wants us to get a grip on today – you can find life in a dead situation.  When something seems over, hopeless, helpless, you need to remember that nothing is impossible with our God.