Finding Life

(Below is an excerpt from Pastor’s book, “How to Find Life in Dead Situations”)

If you live long enough, you will face moments of adversity.  Adversity will actually strengthen your faith in God if you face it God’s way.  Faith does not ask if God is able to bring life to a dead situation.  Faith asks, “How is God going to do it this time?”  You can get a grip on the promises of God and find life in a dead situation. Now we have a decision to make!  Are you going to be like the one who just shuffled off with the same unbelief remaining unchanged?  Or will you be the one that will apply the Word of God to your life see victory?

Do you have some dead situations in your life that need to be revived?  Do not approach a dead situation carelessly.  Get a Word from God and face it head on.  Do not try to force God to break His silence; just cooperate in faith with His promises.  Never forget that Jesus really loves and He really cares, and only believe.  It all starts and finishes with faith and knowing that all the glory must go to God.


God, give me the strength to face the dead situations in my life.  I do not know what to do, but my eyes are on You.  I am waiting to hear what You have to say.  I will get a grip on Your promise.  With God all things are possible.  It doesn’t matter how many days have passed, when you speak, power is released.  And God, if you tell me to let it go, I will trust you to bring me through on the high side of victory.  Be glorified in my life and in the situation I am facing, in Jesus’ name.  Amen.