No Deals – Just Faith

(An excerpt from Pastor’s Book, “How to Make Your Life Count for God”)

Sometime ago, when I was on a trip to Colorado, I discovered that I had lost my wallet.  I looked everywhere, but I could not find it.  I almost resorted back to that old deal making mentality, “God I promise you this and I will trade you two of this if you will help me out of this situation.”  Now just for a moment that thought crossed my mind.  You know what I am talking about, when things are not working, we try to bargain with God rather than just standing in faith.  I was in a desperate situation. I had lost something that I was counting on.  Finally I said, “Father, no deals.  I am caught up on my tithes and offerings. I have even given on this trip.  In the Name of Jesus, I say if You have to send an angel out to bring my wallet back, do it.”  That very thing has happened to me more than once.  After looking for something in one place and not finding it, I went back to the same place again and found it there.  And by the way, that is what happened in Colorado, somebody gave me some money and I eventually found my wallet.

When you know everything is right, you do not have to go through this make-a-deal conversation.  “Yeah, Lord I will do this, or I will not do that…oh, Lord, I will not think that again.”  NO DEALS – JUST FAITH!  I do not have to make a deal.  I have already made my deal.  I am a tither.  I am a giver.  Joy and I do our best to be obedient to God.  Every once in a while, I walk in the bedroom and say, “Lord, I want to remind you of all the tithes and all the offerings that this child of yours has given to You.”  Oh, Thank God, His computer never goes down.  He keeps accurate records.  He never forgets a single offering you have given.

I am not just talking about giving money; I am talking about responding to God by doing what is right when no one is looking.  This is a matter of doing what is right because it is right and pleasing to God.  When you move beyond the deal stage and get into the faith stage things begin to work.  When you are in faith and all hell breaks loose you do not say, “Oh, my God, what did I do?  Let’s make a deal, God.”  No, no, no, you remember that the just live by faith and not by making deals with God.