Change Begins With Me

I don’t know why it is but we always want to see somebody else change. We want to see our boss change, our husband or wife change, we may even want our neighbors to change. But I have discovered that when I find myself desiring change in others the first step in witnessing that change depends on me.

Change begins with the one who wants to see change. If I wait for others to change I might be waiting until hell freezes over. But when I begin to change, when I begin to love, forgive, when I begin to soften, whatever adjustments need to be made, then I will see the things around me begin to be affected. The secret is to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what part you have in the process of change and many times it involves love and forgiveness on our part. Proverbs 28:13 says, “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper; but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” And I will tell you, there is no one who knows how to give you mercy like God.

I have counseled with couples who say they have never said I’m sorry or acknowledged being wrong throughout their entire marriage. Repentance is so important. This is especially true in the healing of relationships. It is an opportunity to see the power of God move on your behalf when you make the decision to walk in love, when you choose to do things His way. The best advertisement for Jesus is when people see a changed life. You can hit them in the head with a 15 pound Bible and get no response, but when people see a change in your conversation, a softening in your attitude, when people see Jesus in you then it will draw them.

Supernatural change is the result of allowing God to move in you first which will release His power in your situation. So the next time you desire to see change take place in another ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and to let change begin in you.